April 2020 Newsletter Introduction
Hello Real Estate Interestee –
I hope you’re doing well and safe and practice social distancing and staying at home. My message that I want to relay is fairly much the same as last month due to the fact that we’re all fighting a pandemic which has never happen before. At the moment – every single part of our lives is completely impacted and the current real estate market is on a standstill as well. The idea of purchasing and selling a home would be less of a priority as more people are watching/listening closely on how we’re all battling this at the front lines. The government for Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) has had it’s 3rd day open for citizens to apply. If you need more information on who can qualify you can click on the link: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/benefits/apply-for-cerb-with-cra.html for more information. Continue to Stay safe and healthy during this April month!
– Sam